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We love partnering with local hotels, restaurants and grocers. See our list of Community Partners. We take great pride in providing quality produce. If you have an interest in purchasing fresh produce for your Hotel, Grocery Store or Restaurant email us at: or call 808-269-2626

Moringa Powder


A great antioxidant with many Vitamins including Vitamin A, C, and B Complex. It is known to have a positive effect on the overall health of the body.  Moringa has become so popular, we sell out of it pretty quickly! If you have an interest let us know by clicking on the link below and we will contact you to complete your order.

Order Your Simpli-Fresh Moringa Powder by Clicking Here 

Morenga Product



Bee Removal

Simpli-Fresh Farms provides safe removal of Bees. Contact us at 808-269-2626 for a quote and to schedule removal of bees.